Integrate the Flipbase player

The Flipbase Player can be integrated following the same steps as the Recorder. The Player utilizes HTML5 technology.

How to integrate the Player?

To show the Flipbase Player you have to integrate the code as shown below and replace the ‘player_id’ parameter with your own unique PlayerId.

    Load the JavaScript Player library in the HTML head section of your page
  <!-- For the latest major player update -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- For a specific patch -->
  <script src=""></script>

  Place the a video element(s) where you want to show the video player.
<div id="video-player-element"></div>

<!-- Initialize the Player and provide your 'player_id' -->
  const player = new FlipbasePlayer({
    video_id: '5120293b-583b-4534-90dc-0f44cd51705e',
    player_id: '95f4d94b-86c0-4e4a-b23d-484158efd1a4',
    selector: 'video-player-element'

  // Load the Flipbase player(s) manually

  // Remove the Flipbase player(s) from the DOM
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 50000)

The code above will result in this:

Secure mode

When collections have enabled secure_mode all videos that are stored in that collection need to be loaded using the Flipbase player.js along with a signature property. You can read on how to create this signature here. For EACH video element you need to generate a seperate signature.

Using the signature with the Flipbase Player.js

Just create a signature the way you do with any API request, but append the elements you've used in the StringToSign in querystring like style to the signature. NOTE: the URI-encoded path should equal: '/api/videos/' when creating signatures to be used along with the video player.

SignatureString = 'signature=<SIGNATURE>&' +
  'api_key=<FLIPBASE_API_KEY>&' +

Add this signature property to the options object literal when invoking the FlipbasePlayer function;

<!-- Initialize the Player and provide your 'player_id' -->
  const player = new FlipbasePlayer({
    signature: "<SIGNATURE_STRING>"
    video_id: '5120293b-583b-4534-90dc-0f44cd51705e',
    player_id: '95f4d94b-86c0-4e4a-b23d-484158efd1a4',
    selector: 'video-player-element'

  // Load the Flipbase player(s) manually

Browser Support

  • Chrome 37+
  • Firefox 40+
  • Internet Explorer 11+
  • Opera 25+
  • Safari 9.1+
  • Android Browser 5+ (WebKit 537.36 Chrome 37)
  • IOS Safari 10+

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